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How To Use Covidence - Streamline Your Systematic/Scoping Reviews

Covidence is a web-based systematic/scoping review production tool that helps you organize and streamline your review project. In this session, you will learn how to get started with Covidence: setting up your account, creating a new project, importing references, title/abstract screening, and full-text screening.

Upon attending this session, you will

  1. understand how Covidence can support sys/scoping review projects;
  2. be able to navigate Covidence effectively;
  3. be able to build and conduct a review project in Covidence.


Please note: This class will be held via Zoom. The instructor will send the Zoom link 24 hours before the session.



Monday, October 2, 2023
10:00am - 11:00am
Boglarka Huddleston
Writing & Publishing
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